Today much of the tech world is sad that the iPhone 3G's launch is going so miserably. But I'm sad that it's my last day at Salon.
I've accepted a job at Slate, where, starting next week, I'll be writing a twice-weekly technology column. Machinist will go on a break for a week, after which a guest blogger will bring you the latest tech dish.
I joined Salon in 2002, and since then I've written about, among other things, Smart Cars, robotic vacuum cleaners, muffin toasters, voting machines, architecture and 9/11, Tower Seven, Bill Clinton, Terri Schiavo, Florida's elections, "The Wisdom of Crowds," Malcolm Gladwell, Linux, Daniel Levitin, the copyright industries, Lawrence Lessig, The New York Times, Martha Stewart, a mnemonic to remember the Solar System's planets, Google, garlic, stem cells, Comcast, Apple, Speedo, taxes, Social Security, Antonin Scalia, Barack Obama, the robots' plan to take over the Earth, Howard Stern, Stringer Bell, Current TV, campaign finance reform, MoveOn, Howard Dean, Nintendo, Total Information Awareness, Java, Alice Waters, "The West Wing," Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the Washington Post, Judy Miller, and Hurricane Katrina.
I'm pretty sure there's no other news outlet on the planet which would have given me such latitude, and I thank everyone here at Salon for that. I also want to thank all the readers who've read my work, not to mention praised me, hounded me, kept me up late at night swearing at the screen. Don't ever change.