Showing results for: book reviews
Why your kid should read banned books
Banned Books Week gives families a chance to talk about censorship and decide for themselves what kids should read
09/25/2017 02:30 UTC
Books that teach manners
Preschoolers are learning important social skills, and these books can help
09/10/2017 02:00 UTC
9 ways to get teens reading
Practical ideas to help lure your kids back to books
08/27/2017 19:29 UTC
How wordless books can help your kid learn to read
Some of the greatest stories have been told in pictures
08/03/2017 00:11 UTC
Midwinter adventures
Salon's book editors invite you to spend the cold winter nights with a stack of novels by Richard Schmitt, Jane Rogers, Eden Robinson, Joy Williams and William Gay.
11/23/2000 01:30 UTC
12 classic books that won't put your kid to sleep
These beloved books keep the pages turning with captivating storylines and cool characters in a variety of genres
10/30/2017 01:00 UTC
Electoral courage
William Ian Miller, author of "The Mystery of Courage," talks about why John McCain's bravery ruined his presidential bid.
10/26/2000 12:00 UTC
The case for positive book reviews
Misguided nostalgia drives a call for negative literary criticism. No one needs middling reviews of mediocre books
08/17/2012 17:30 UTC
Five books to help teens deal with body image issues
Finding compelling stories for teens that don't reinforce body and gender stereotypes can be tough
01/21/2018 02:00 UTC
Family demons
Salon's books editor speaks with author Rick Moody about the making of his new collection of stories, "Demonology."
02/07/2001 05:13 UTC
Salon's book editor speaks with Will Self about his new novel, life, death and how he would like to "pass on."
10/19/2000 12:03 UTC
The amazing disappearing book review section
Enthralled by marketing surveys, the newspaper industry's managerial caste has decreed that readers want more space devoted to the Backstreet Boys than to books.
07/19/2001 21:48 UTC
Unmasking Deep Throat
Coming June 17: John Dean and Salon team up for an innovative e-book project.
05/02/2002 22:34 UTC
10 TV shows like "Game of Thrones" for teens
GoT isn't the only game in town. Try these alternative picks — so you can offer choices with less sex and violence
07/16/2017 02:00 UTC
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