Showing results for: budget

A job for the "Squad" and progressive allies: Unite to downsize Biden's military budget
Do progressives in Congress have the courage to demand cuts in military spending — and defund nuclear weapons?
05/04/2021 09:40 UTC
Creating a national insecurity state: spending more, seeing less
The Trump administration continues to give the Pentagon free reign over taxpayer dollars.
03/07/2020 01:00 UTC
Trump budget would cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security while expanding tax cuts for the rich
“We will not be touching your Social Security and Medicare in Fiscal 2021 Budget," Trump lied hours earlier
02/10/2020 22:47 UTC
Missouri state House Republicans vote to defund public libraries
Republicans are retaliating against a librarians’ organization for suing the state over a law on book banning
04/12/2023 17:31 UTC
Senate parliamentarian’s surprise decision threatens to derail Democrats' infrastructure plans
A former Obama economic adviser argues Senate parliamentarian is now "making up new rules out of whole cloth"
06/02/2021 22:21 UTC
"Biggest scandal in our history": GOP governor turns to controversial lobbyist to craft his budget
Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo criticized his predecessor's ties to lobbyist, then asked him for help
01/25/2023 21:40 UTC
Trump wanders to "Happy Go Magic Land"
Trump's 2021 federal budget features absurd growth projections and huge military expenditures
02/13/2020 11:30 UTC
Trump's budget cuts, well, pretty much everything
Although Trump's budget is not expected to be passed, it reveals troubling things about the GOP's priorities
02/12/2018 21:09 UTC
Trump's $4.7 trillion budget would slash Medicare — and, yes, build (some of) the wall
Trump proposed budget has deep cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and EPA, but he wants $8.6 billion for the wall
03/11/2019 22:18 UTC
House GOP panel releases budget that would "destroy Social Security as we know it"
The proposed budget calls for tax cuts for the uber-rich and an increase in the Social Security retirement age
06/16/2023 19:31 UTC
Bernie Sanders slams "overt partisanship" of GOP leaders who rejected Obama's final budget before it was even released
For the first time in history, Congressional Republicans refuse to even hold a hearing on the President's budget
02/10/2016 01:37 UTC
House moves against amendments to decrease military budget
"The American people are on to the racket and mobilizing to demand a reallocation of funding"
07/15/2022 09:00 UTC
The Federal deficit: Mulvaney says the congressional budget office was right after all
CBO comes in lower than the White House — still, both numbers are really, really big
07/29/2018 15:29 UTC
President Trump’s "skinny" budget is already dead
Don’t expect his skinny budget to provide a consistent vision for the nation – or to have a future
03/11/2017 15:59 UTC
White House budget aims to kill "crazy" climate science
Mick Mulvaney told reporters that the government has been spending too much money on climate change
05/28/2017 17:30 UTC