Showing results for: children

Israel killed more kids in 3 weeks than were killed in all global conflicts last year: analysis
"One child's death is one too many, but these are grave violations of epic proportions," said Save The Children
10/31/2023 00:00 UTC
Pediatricians on Florida's recommendation against vaccinating children: "Don't listen to it"
"Parents should get advice from their pediatrician … not from politicians and their appointees," one doctor said
03/10/2022 20:00 UTC
ICC issues arrest warrant for Putin and co-conspirator for allegedly abducting Ukrainian children
"They change their citizenship, give them up for adoption under guardianship, commit sexual violence"
03/17/2023 17:19 UTC
Few kids are getting the latest COVID shots. Is it misinformation or a lack of access?
COVID vaccines were once hailed as life savers. Now there is profound disinterest in vaccinating kids. What gives?
11/07/2023 17:00 UTC
Black children significantly more likely to have a parent who died of COVID-19
A new study estimates 43,000 children in the U.S. have a lost a parent due to the pandemic
04/13/2021 11:01 UTC
Stopping the churn: Why some states want to guarantee Medicaid coverage from birth to age 6
Multiple states are rethinking their enrollment policies for the youngest Medicaid members
11/20/2022 19:59 UTC
Ukrainian children are suffering amid the invasion. A psychological toll will follow
Research shows that children’s exposure to the trauma of war leads to psychiatric disorders
03/05/2022 15:00 UTC
How to weigh risk when traveling with children this holiday
A pediatrician explains the omicron variant's risk for kids — especially young ones who are ineligible for vaccines
12/22/2021 20:02 UTC
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs bill making it easier to violate child labor laws
The bill comes as child labor violations are on the rise across the U.S.
03/09/2023 15:16 UTC
Fast-spreading omicron variant drives up pediatric hospitalizations in parts of U.S.
Pediatric units in hospitals in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas have been hit hard this month
12/27/2021 10:00 UTC
The pandemic "ruptured" childrens' social skills around the world, researchers say
A large study of schoolchildren suggests that kids suffered alarming social and educational setbacks
12/01/2022 10:30 UTC
Why long COVID is often overlooked in children
A quiet epidemic of long COVID in children is just beginning to be understood by researchers
06/15/2022 00:12 UTC
The COVID-19 vaccines will soon be available for children. Why did it take so long?
Why did kids have to wait longer to get vaccinated? The answer relates to immunology and careful regulation
05/12/2021 09:40 UTC
Millennial moms and dads are consciously striving to parent differently than Boomers, study finds
A new Pew Research study reveals surprising generational divides in parenting
01/26/2023 20:00 UTC
Experts say vaccine effectiveness for young children isn't waning, despite some reports
More research is needed, but likely omicron is to blame and not an overly low dosage for children
03/06/2022 15:00 UTC