Showing results for: crime

Republicans like to talk tough on crime — but they're the ones with a real crime problem
Crime is much worse in "red states" — and that's been true for years. Why don't Democrats ever just say it?
02/15/2023 10:30 UTC
Does immigration really increase crime? Here's what the science says
The data from at least 30 countries shows crime doesn't rise with immigration
05/29/2023 14:15 UTC
Criminology expert takes a sledgehammer to GOP claims “blaming Democrats for an increase in crime”
Despite the apparently confident assertions of politicians, the crime rate isn't as simple as Republicans claim
10/24/2022 20:30 UTC
Are Republicans "tough on crime"? That was always a myth — now it's dangerous
Most Americans still buy the myth that Republicans are strong on crime. That was never true, even before Trump
11/02/2023 09:30 UTC
The "copaganda" epidemic: How media glorifies police and vilifies protesters
How the pro-police focus of mainstream crime reporting misdirects policy discussions and blocks real solutions
01/08/2023 17:00 UTC
Joe Biden is right about the rise in crime: Blame guns — not police or protesters — for the violence
Conservatives are using crime as cover for ugly race-baiting, but their own lax gun policies are the real culprit
06/23/2021 17:11 UTC
Media blows New York subway shooting story
Cities aren't the problem. Guns are the problem
04/13/2022 16:49 UTC
Crime is down, so why do most Americans believe the opposite?
Blame Republicans and the corporate news media for this one
02/14/2018 08:59 UTC
Penny dreadfuls were the true crime podcasts of their time
From their complicated relationship with journalism to their love of sensationalism, the two have a lot in common
01/11/2021 02:00 UTC
How Republicans unleashed a new crime wave in America — through worsening inequality
America's upsurge in crime is real — and decades of Republican policy to make the rich much richer is the cause
07/22/2021 09:50 UTC
Moguls get a "free pass": Prosecutions of corporate criminals hit record low under Merrick Garland
Americans are victimized by "rampant corporate crime," watchdog group says, despite vows to crack down
04/27/2022 09:00 UTC
"Evidence of a crime": Expert says special counsel filing shows Trump lawyer is "hostile witness"
Jack Smith is seeking to invoke the crime-fraud exception to compel Trump attorney's testimony
02/15/2023 14:01 UTC
“Only Murders” makes us question the ethically murky joy we derive from true crime
Hulu's comedic new murder-mystery both indulges and interrogates the audience's fondness for the grim genre
09/05/2021 12:00 UTC
Driven by "mass fear-mongering" on crime, 31 Senate Dems join GOP to block D.C. reforms
"Democrats are terrified that Republicans will portray them as soft on crime"
03/09/2023 20:30 UTC
Police don’t do a good job tracking hate crimes. A new report calls on Congress to take action.
"We live in deeply dangerous times, and we have had an insufficient government response to that danger."
11/16/2019 09:00 UTC