Showing results for: criminal

Maddow: Chao is one of four Trump cabinet members referred for criminal prosecution for corruption
Maddow outlines a pattern in which Trump's DOJ declined to charge officials implicated in possible criminal conduct
03/04/2021 09:00 UTC
Criminal justice expert: Time won't erase Kavanaugh's mistakes as a teen
The idea that we're not responsible for what we do when we're young is not supported by the criminal justice system
09/22/2018 11:29 UTC
“Drama”: Jan. 6 committee chairman says they won’t refer Trump to DOJ — and Liz Cheney is not happy
Bennie Thompson's surprising comments sparked rare public pushback from Liz Cheney and the committee's Democrats
06/14/2022 13:17 UTC
Veteran trial attorney on Trump Foundation scandal: “It is going to become a criminal matter"
"Commingling of personal funds and charitable contributions is always known to be investigated in a criminal way"
12/19/2018 22:18 UTC
Lauren Boebert husband's past comes back to haunt her amid public urination fixation at hearing
"Interesting line of questioning from someone whose husband did jail time for exposing himself to a teenager"
03/30/2023 19:19 UTC
Prosecuting Boss Trump: Build a RICO case against his entire criminal empire
Donald Trump has run a criminal enterprise for more than 40 years. We can't allow him to get away with any of it
09/27/2022 10:30 UTC
Legal scholars reject Trump complaints: Prosecutors treating him "a lot better" than most defendants
"We wish that our clients received the advantages that prosecutors are giving Trump"
08/10/2023 21:00 UTC
Dan Patrick rules in favor of suspended Texas AG Ken Paxton in first major move of impeachment trial
Acting as a trial judge, the Republican lieutenant governor of Texas ruled in favor of the embattled Republican AG
09/05/2023 17:08 UTC
Jan. 6 committee announces criminal referrals — and Trump is “likely” to be “front and center”
Trump is expected to be one of the criminal referrals, CNN reports
12/07/2022 16:30 UTC
As New York looks into whether the Trump Foundation broke the law, criminal charges remain unlikely
New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood is suing the foundation for allegedly violating state laws.
07/27/2018 11:30 UTC
Is impeaching Trump now just "pointless revenge"? Not if it sends a message to future presidents
A political philosopher argues that the impeachment is still an important moral action
01/21/2021 12:46 UTC
How portrayals of the NFL are shaping criminal justice reform
From ads to documentaries, the issues of criminal justice are portrayed in simplistic and highly political ways
02/22/2020 23:59 UTC
Andrew Cuomo charged with groping former aide, but complaint was filed "prematurely": report
Cuomo could land behind bars for up to a year — and have to register as a sex offender
10/29/2021 00:26 UTC
A far-right senator tried to derail a bipartisan deal on criminal justice. It looks like he'll fail
Tom Cotton opposes the First Step Act, which would enact criminal justice reform and lesson mass incarceration
12/13/2018 19:35 UTC
"Wrong on the law, wrong on the facts": Fani Willis blasts Jeffrey Clark's "misunderstanding" of law
Willis called out Trump's co-defendants over his "displeasure at the prospect of inconvenient travel"
08/24/2023 19:12 UTC