Showing results for: economics

The gender gap in economics is huge — it’s even worse than tech
Although STEM professions receive most of the criticism, the numbers show economics is actually worse
03/15/2021 19:26 UTC
In economics, grade restrictions weed out students of color
GPA requirements push Black and Hispanic students out of STEM majors — and may widen the wage gap later on
07/10/2022 12:29 UTC
Richard Thaler's win just saved the Nobel Prize in Economics
The Nobel Prize in Economics pick is a "Nudge" in the right direction
10/09/2017 18:07 UTC
Economists are horrible people, study says
Why does the invisible hand want to slap you across the face? Because it belongs to a jerk, apparently
10/24/2013 21:57 UTC
Why we need rise-up economics, not trickle-down
Tax cuts to the rich and big corporations do not lead to more investment and jobs
03/03/2018 14:59 UTC
Learn how to manage your finances better
03/02/2018 12:00 UTC
Climate experts agree: "Steve Mnuchin should go back to college" — not Greta Thunberg
"After she goes and studies economics in college, she can come back," Mnuchin said in a dismissal of Thunberg
01/24/2020 02:27 UTC
COVID-19 exposes the weakness of capitalism
COVID-19 exposes the sham of orthodox economics
07/10/2020 08:28 UTC
Paul Krugman has bad news: Voodoo economics is poised for a comeback
Evidence debunks supply side economics, but the voodoo cult won't give up. How it could soon get a lot worse
10/06/2014 16:00 UTC
How Paul Krugman broke a Wikipedia page on economics
An "edit war" breaks out over the Nobel Prize-winner's critique of ultra-conservative Austrian economics
02/20/2013 03:24 UTC
Economics has a serious sex problem
Current day economic problems affecting women remain unexplored
10/31/2016 14:00 UTC
The Kochs are brainwashing us: Inside the billionaire industrialists' chilling economics curriculum
Students across the country are being taught to pursue profits at all cost, even if that means "sacrificing lives"
05/17/2016 12:15 UTC
Trickle-down economics doesn’t work but build-up does — is Biden listening?
The practical alternative to trickle-down economics might be called build-up economics
01/02/2021 13:29 UTC
Paul Ryan's sorry invention: The GOP's self-appointed poverty warrior coins "envy economics"
Ryan apologized for previously calling the less fortunate "takers." Here's what he must have meant instead
02/03/2015 16:58 UTC
Thomas Piketty can't save us alone: Why bad economists are destroying American lives
Author Jeff Madrick explains why so many dubious, false and outright nonsensical ideas dominate public discourse
10/16/2014 19:45 UTC