Showing results for: examples

The irony of how we use the word "irony"
A psychologist's "taxonomy of situational irony" reveals what you and Alanis are getting wrong about irony
03/08/2020 18:00 UTC
Trump inadvertently admits to obstruction of justice in new Fox News interview
"If I didn't fire Comey, they were looking to take down the president of the United States"
12/07/2021 05:12 UTC
7 signs an app is a good choice for your preschooler
Use our tips to find apps your little one will love while learning
09/04/2017 16:59 UTC
Climate change: Multi-country media analysis shows skepticism of the basic science is dying out
The world is less skeptical of the basic science that underlies climate change than ever before
04/22/2023 11:29 UTC
Tom Cotton bashed for "asinine" comments blaming Biden for Putin's actions
An ex-GOP campaign consultant rants about how Cotton is twisting Trump bowing to Putin as "strength"
02/21/2022 10:00 UTC
Introducing: The Year in Sanity
In honor of the Rally to Restore Sanity, we're celebrating great acts of clear thinking -- and need your help!
10/13/2010 07:13 UTC
‘Y'all,’ that most Southern of Southernisms, is going mainstream – and it’s about time
Despite some negative class and cultural connotations, the word seems to have grown in popularity
12/05/2022 01:00 UTC
"Nobody said anything because they feared being benched" – how abuse is baked into American sports
A pilot study of athletes (of all genders) at various schools has revealed troubling examples of abusive coaching
10/24/2022 00:00 UTC
Donald Trump may have violated the Constitution, Harvard doctoral candidate says
A Harvard doctoral candidate writes that Trump is misclassifying Steve Bannon, who should have Senate confirmation
03/22/2017 13:00 UTC
Right-wing media offers numerous defenses of Brett Kavanaugh: They're all nonsense
Right-wingers don't even care if the allegation against Kavanaugh is true. They just want him confirmed swiftly
09/18/2018 10:00 UTC
Stopping the flow: Warming-driven glacier melt leads to "river piracy"
Rising glacier melt is actually decreasing the amount of water flowing through rivers
04/18/2017 00:20 UTC
Shepard Smith calls out Fox News colleagues for dishonest Black Lives Matter smears: "Don't get ahead of the news ... It will run you over"
After a police officer's death is ruled a suicide, not a murder, Fox News has a lot to answer for
11/06/2015 21:01 UTC
Babies can learn value of persistence by watching grownups
When you quit in frustration, little eyes are watching and learning
09/24/2017 09:59 UTC
Larry Wilmore's WTF moment: When Marco Rubio asks for evidence of discrimination of Muslims
Maybe if Rubio would show up for work every once in a while he'd see the examples of Islamophobia. Just sayin'
12/10/2015 17:26 UTC
Why not to date an NSA analyst
Agents admit to willfully violating surveillance, including to spy on love interests
08/26/2013 21:33 UTC