Showing results for: financing

Banks promote climate pledges — but keep increasing their financing of fossil fuel production
The disconnect between words and actions has outraged climate activists
03/22/2023 22:00 UTC
Andrew Cuomo pretends to want public financing really badly
He launches a "push" for the reform and wins himself plaudits -- but many doubt he's trying to pass the bill at all
06/13/2013 12:00 UTC
The case for giving every American $25 “Democracy Vouchers” for every election
Refusing corporate donations is just a start — we need real campaign finance reform to revive democracy
10/26/2018 09:00 UTC
Trump’s Truth Social merger partner changes address to a UPS store after investors pull $130 million
Digital World Acquisition changed its address in filing disclosing it's lost $138 million of $1 billion investment
09/27/2022 16:31 UTC
America's plutocrats should be very afraid: The one simple thing that can win back democracy
Voters in Maine and Seattle authorized measures this week that strike an important blow against the 1 percent
11/05/2015 22:45 UTC
South Africa’s smallholder vegetable farmers aren’t getting the finance they need
"Farming needs substantial investment in on-farm infrastructure and equipment"
09/20/2023 16:30 UTC
Maine's GOP governor mocks public campaign financing: It's "like giving your wife your checkbook"
Paul LePage also called the ballot initiative to create transparency in elections "a scam"
10/22/2015 21:39 UTC
Vermont abandons plan for single payer health care
Gov. Peter Shumlin drops pioneering plan, citing costs
12/18/2014 19:56 UTC
McCain: "We will take public financing"
Thursday morning, Barack Obama announced his intention to opt out of the public financing system; later in the day, John McCain said he'll opt in.
06/20/2008 02:17 UTC
John Kerry urged to help end flow of finance from Wall Street to industries fueling climate crisis
"It's time that the U.S. government take the reins back from Wall Street"
04/03/2021 11:29 UTC
Obama's desperate plea
Obama warns supporters, "I will be the first president in modern history to be outspent"
06/26/2012 22:29 UTC
5 ways car dealerships are trying to rip you off
Buyers beware: These are the oldest tricks in the book
09/15/2014 17:01 UTC
Joe Trippi's next big thing
Howard Dean's campaign wizard is now a consultant without a candidate, but he's giving John Kerry free advice: Reject public financing and turn to your base to neutralize the Bush money juggernaut.
07/27/2004 03:49 UTC
DNC challenges McCain on campaign finance
After running afoul of the public campaign financing system, McCain faces legal challenge from the DNC.
04/14/2008 23:43 UTC
Banks with ‘net-zero’ pledges are among the top funders of fossil fuels
"Financial institutions need to be held accountable for their role in financing false solutions."
04/14/2023 22:21 UTC