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11 infamous '90s school bans
These irresistible fads, toys and trends were once a nuisance in schools and a nightmare for parents
02/07/2022 02:00 UTC
10 athletes' outrageous excuses for failing drug tests
A vanishing twin? Penis-enhancement medications? You ain't heard nuthin' yet
05/13/2016 03:00 UTC
5 worst right-wing moments of the week — Palin & Trump declare war on Bill O'Reilly
O'Reilly runs afoul of the fake presidential candidates, while Mike Huckabee gets a reality check
02/02/2015 23:15 UTC
This retro-looking Bluetooth speaker is extremely stylish
Speakers don't have to all look and sound the same
06/13/2019 02:00 UTC
Racism and xenophobia are exactly why Republicans love Donald Trump, polls show
The open question is how much damage can Trump do to the GOP brand and the nominating process
07/18/2015 18:00 UTC
5 worst right-wing moments of the week -- Katrina Pierson lives in an alternate reality
The Trump spokeswoman lashes out at Judge Gonzalo Curiel, while her boss lets his bigotry slip at a Redding rally
06/06/2016 15:59 UTC
American parents are miserable: Moms and dads alike face a massive "happiness gap"
"Having kids in the U.S. is brutal." Sociologists blame the country's paltry social services, among other factors
06/23/2016 12:30 UTC
The 5 worst responses to the McKinney pool story
Megyn Kelly questions a teen's character, while one CNN analyst defends Eric Casebolt's decision to draw his gun
06/10/2015 20:31 UTC
6 worst right-wing moments of the week -- Kim Davis slithers out of the woodwork
The homophobic Kentucky clerk recasts herself as a victim, while Fox's Stuart Varney celebrates the EgyptAir crash
05/23/2016 14:45 UTC
Beyond Cecil the Lion: The grisly and unethical world of wildlife killing contests
Every year across the United States, thousands of animals are slaughtered in state-sanctioned gun-fests
08/06/2015 13:45 UTC
The 5 most demented right-wing reactions to the pushback against Indiana's anti-gay law
Bill O'Reilly equates protestors with terrorists, while Tom Cotton implies gays are lucky they're not being hanged
04/03/2015 12:00 UTC
The incontrovertible proof Bill O'Reilly is a serial liar about his past
The Fox News pundit simply has no answer for Mother Jones' explosive report -- or this audio footage
03/08/2015 16:00 UTC
8 European right-wing parties celebrating the rise of Donald Trump
Ethno-nationalists from France to Italy and Holland have been effusive in their praise of the Republican strongman
05/24/2016 12:00 UTC
Gain-of-function research: all in the eye of the beholder
Should work done on coronaviruses in Wuhan, China, be considered “gain-of-function” research? Opinions differ
09/28/2021 12:15 UTC
Bill Cosby, Loretta Young, Jackie Fuchs: Why the time is right to reckon with rape -- even those that happened decades ago
Until recently, we didn’t have the language to grapple honestly with what happened -- today, rape is just rape
07/22/2015 13:57 UTC