Showing results for: mental illness

Elliot Rodger and the NRA myth: How the gun lobby scapegoats mental illness
After a tragedy, gun companies want us discussing anything but guns. Here's how both parties, and the media, comply
05/28/2014 15:45 UTC
Our crazy mental health system
A crusading journalist with a bipolar son says jails have become warehouses for the mad -- and argues for forced commitment.
04/11/2006 14:12 UTC
Director Shyamalan takes an ax to psychological atypicality in box office smash "Split"
Patients are telling their therapists not to use the word “aspect” because movie misuses terminology consistently
02/05/2017 04:30 UTC
John Oliver takes apart GOP's odious "mental health" cop-out
"The vast majority of mentally ill people are non-violent," Oliver says. And yet they're the GOP's scapegoat
10/05/2015 19:45 UTC
Cops don't know how to deal with mental illness, and it's a huge problem
Half of all Americans killed by police every year are mentally ill
08/21/2014 21:05 UTC
Psychiatrists should not be involved in presidential politics
Why psychiatric speculation isn't helping matters
12/08/2017 08:58 UTC
House GOP begins steps to roll back Obama gun restriction on recipients with mental illness
The restriction was criticized by the NRA and the ACLU
02/03/2017 20:40 UTC
"We're putting people in prison whose only crime is mental illness"
PBS' "Bedlam" director Ken Rosenberg spoke to Salon about how incarceration won out over hospitalization
04/13/2020 20:33 UTC
Have American jails become the inferior replacement for mental hospitals?
A new study reveals that 10 times as many people with serious mental illnesses are in jails as state hospitals
09/05/2022 18:00 UTC
The GOP's mental health hypocrisy
Republicans are dousing the forest with gasoline while giving a lecture on fire safety
02/24/2018 15:00 UTC
Federal gun control is not enough: To reduce gun violence, we need big changes to social policy
Gun control laws won't do much if we don't address mental health, domestic violence and a host of other issues
06/19/2018 11:30 UTC
Dennis Scimeca is bipolar, loves video games and is harmless
Scrutinizing mental illness and violent video games won't stop tragedies
01/16/2013 23:51 UTC
Court rejects order for mentally ill housing in NY
04/06/2012 22:18 UTC
Should a mental illness mean you lose your kid?
Citing "predictive neglect," Missouri and myriad other states are terminating parents' connection to their children
06/01/2014 04:00 UTC
Mental illness and gun laws: What you may not know about the complexities
What do people mean when they blame mass shootings on the mental health of the shooter?
03/02/2018 16:00 UTC