Showing results for: palm

How palm oil became the world’s most hated, most used fat source
Palm oil is responsible for widespread deforestation and labor abuses, but it's also cheap and incredibly useful
07/04/2021 18:59 UTC
Your instant ramen noodles are a massive threat to the environment
Bad news for broke college students, even worse news for the planet
07/18/2015 17:00 UTC
Despite COP26 pledges, the world is losing way too many trees
A new report says the world's pristine forests were destroyed at a relentless rate in 2021
05/03/2022 12:15 UTC
Your morning routine is destroying the environment
The palm oil found in everything from cereal to shampoo is killing the environment. Here's what you can do about it
05/05/2014 00:00 UTC
President Trump's visits to Mar-a-Lago are hurting the Palm Beach economy
Palm Beach's budget is struggling because Trump's visits to his "Southern White House" are adding unexpected costs
03/21/2017 01:54 UTC
5 ways to stop food companies from profiting off a devastating ingredient
Huge corporate palm oil plantations are the cause of so many ills -- and it's something we can fix.
09/18/2013 17:00 UTC
The Canadian butter crisis, explained
We spoke with the writer behind this dairy important supply chain revelation
03/03/2021 11:00 UTC
Why the U.S. ban on trans fats could have unintended consequences for climate change
Trans fats are being eliminated in the interest of public health, but their replacement is an environmental threat
06/17/2015 00:21 UTC
Trump requests mail ballot after repeatedly pushing conspiracy theories about election fraud: report
During his unsuccessful re-election campaign, the former president blasted universal vote-by-mail on repeat
03/09/2021 11:30 UTC
Palm Beach County rejects Trump's dream of having an airport named after him
Trump reportedly wants an airport named after him — but it won't be in Palm Beach County, Florida
01/24/2021 20:02 UTC
The delicious, diverse world of spirits from the African continent
Daniel Idowu, director of Value Africa, is bringing these spirits — and the stories behind them — to the UK
07/10/2022 21:00 UTC
Democrat calls Trump's bluff on Mar-a-Lago valuation by urging Florida officials to hike his taxes
Trump claimed Mar-a-Lago is worth "50 to 100 times" more than officials say
10/05/2023 19:06 UTC
After $100K donation, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis awards contract for supermarket vaccine distribution
Some say that giving Publix the only vaccines in Palm Beach will widen racial disparities in vaccine administration
02/01/2021 22:14 UTC
Palm oil in snack foods could be destroying the world’s “orangutan capital”
Food manufacturers may be causing the destruction of a nationally protected wildlife reserve in Indonesia
12/08/2019 18:30 UTC
Sean Hannity drops $5 million on Florida home — just a few miles from Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club
It's got three bedrooms and five bathrooms but — perhaps most importantly — it's less than three miles from Trump
04/23/2021 02:09 UTC