Showing results for: private

Why are private prisons controversial? 3 questions answered
Private prisons have long been a topic of controversy in the U.S.
09/29/2019 12:29 UTC
More orthopedic physicians sell out to private equity firms, raising alarms about costs and quality
Orthopedic surgeons are increasingly selling control of their practices to private equity investment firms
01/10/2023 12:45 UTC
Investigating private equity’s stealthy takeover of health care across cities and specialties
Needless treatments, misconduct and price gouging is on the rise as investors turn their sights to healthcare
12/01/2022 12:15 UTC
FBI says private equity, hedge funds pose huge risk for money laundering
Law enforcement isn't set up to monitor money laundering schemes within hedge funds, leaked FBI documents show
07/20/2020 17:35 UTC
What will be best for my child — public school or private?
I went to public school, my wife prefers private. Our child can go anywhere we want — but first we have to choose
02/24/2023 14:00 UTC
Private equity sees the billions in eye care as firms target high-profit procedures
The field of optometry provides fertile grounds for raising costs, inviting private equity firm's investments
10/06/2022 12:15 UTC
Betsy DeVos accused of diverting pandemic relief funds from poor students to wealthy private schools
Critics have long accused DeVos of favoring private schools — especially Christian schools — over public education
07/23/2020 22:49 UTC
Exclusive: Private jet firms get $300 million bailout while Trump fights to block unemployment aid
Companies tied to Trump donors and firms which provided controversial flights to ex-Cabinet members score millions
06/12/2020 21:05 UTC
This private browsing solution features a built-in VPN
It might be the most secure way to surf the web
07/21/2019 17:43 UTC
Kelly Loeffler may have “billed taxpayers” for private jet flights she claimed saved money: report
Loeffler may have tried to "obscure" or "lie" about the payments, according to a new report
04/26/2022 16:56 UTC
Trump Labor Department quietly offers up 401(k) plans to private equity vultures
"401(k) investors will be devoured like lambs to the slaughter"
06/16/2020 17:12 UTC
Protect your data online with this powerful VPN
You can protect the information that you transmit (knowingly and unknowingly) whenever you connect to the internet
12/07/2018 11:01 UTC
Betsy DeVos openly admits she's using the pandemic to impose her private school choice agenda
“Yes, absolutely,” DeVos replied when asked if she was trying to "utilize" the crisis to help "faith-based schools"
05/23/2020 03:32 UTC
Robert Reich: It's time for true Medicare for All
Any Medicare for All is better than our present system, but this second version is far better
11/22/2019 09:00 UTC
Mike Pence calls for privatizing Social Security: They "keep saying the quiet part out loud"
"They want to cut ... Social Security and take away our young people's futures," says Rep. Pramila Jayapal
02/06/2023 10:00 UTC