Showing results for: republican

Kyrsten Sinema quietly amasses piles of cash from GOP, fossil fuel donors
According to financial disclosures, Sinema is raking cash from donors but it may not be enough for a re-election
02/02/2022 07:38 UTC
What "red wave"? Democrats on the verge of major November surprise
Outcome for Democrats vastly better than predicted: They're poised to win major seats in Pennsylvania, Arizona
11/09/2022 03:40 UTC
Sorry, Joe Biden, Kevin McCarthy is not a “decent man”: Today’s GOP are fascists, not your friends
Hate to break the news to President Biden, but this isn't your father's Republican Party
02/03/2023 11:00 UTC
Why Trump’s legal bills are costing the GOP a fortune: "There is no precedent for this"
"He could afford this, but they are paying his bills anyway”
12/31/2021 09:30 UTC
Never forget that Liz Cheney helped produce Trumpism — and could be worse in the long run
Praising Cheney to the skies won't change who she really is — possibly a more insidious force than Donald Trump
05/24/2021 10:00 UTC
State GOPs still pushing Trump’s fraud lies, promoting QAnon and calling Capitol riot “false flag”
Republican state legislatures are also planning to use baseless fraud claims to impose new voter restrictions
01/26/2021 17:14 UTC
The GOP zombie: Why the media refuses to let the myth of a "good" Republican die
You don't give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a zombie
08/31/2023 09:45 UTC
Is Donald Trump finally getting weaker? Don't believe the hype
Mainstream media is hooked on the narrative that Trump's influence is fading. It's nowhere near that simple
04/25/2022 10:30 UTC
Republicans are not in "disarray": They're united in their assault on American democracy
There's no serious conflict within the Republican Party. Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are being purged for disloyalty
05/06/2021 10:00 UTC
Pence vs. Trump? Former veep opposing “extreme” Trump-backed GOP primary challengers
Wall Street Journal reports that Pence and the Republican Governors Association are set to defy TrumpWorld
11/22/2021 17:53 UTC
The next insurrection: They don't have the votes, but they've got the guns
Republicans don't want an investigation of Jan. 6 — because they hope it will happen again. With more violence
07/03/2021 12:00 UTC
Key 2020 congressional races: Democrats seek to shore up House majority
Democrats reclaimed the House in 2018 after eight years of Republican control and are expected to keep it in 2020
11/04/2020 01:16 UTC
Liz Cheney rooting for Democrats, saying Republicans haven't "chosen the Constitution"
"I do think it presents a threat if the Republicans are in the majority," Cheney said in a recent interview
12/03/2023 19:51 UTC
Tennessee GOP kicks Trump-backed candidate who sparked MAGA civil war off the ballot
“I voted for Trump,” a Republican lawmaker said, “but I don’t want him coming out here to tell me who to vote for”
04/20/2022 13:31 UTC
Life after Trump: Someday he'll be gone. What will Republicans (and Democrats) do then?
Do Republicans understand that Trump's time is running out? What's their plan after following him into the abyss?
08/20/2022 12:00 UTC