Showing results for: robert francis kennedy jr bobby kennedy iii
Robert F. Kennedy and Mister Rogers: Two icons of masculine empathy sorely missed today
Two films show just how much the two men were alike, and remind us why they were necessary to our public life
06/05/2018 21:00 UTC
Siblings condemn RFK Jr.’s “dangerous” independent campaign immediately after bungled announcement
“Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment"
10/10/2023 13:42 UTC
Robert Kennedy, improbable liberal hero
Kennedy turned the tables on the conventional wisdom more liberal direction
06/07/2018 08:00 UTC
50 years after Robert Kennedy's assassination: Don't get caught up in conspiracy theories
Here's the thing about conspiracy theories — they almost always serve those who already hold the power
06/06/2018 11:00 UTC
Who will carry the Kennedy torch?
The third generation of this legendary political family has underachieved to date, but would-be leaders are waiting in the wings.
07/21/1999 12:00 UTC
What's in a name?
Upon the death of the scion of America's greatest political dynasty, a quick survey of American politics reminds us how much it helps to have a famous name.
07/21/1999 20:15 UTC
Hey, progressives: Don't follow RFK Jr. down the rabbit hole — he's just not that into you
What does Robert F. Kennedy Jr. really stand for? If he runs as a third-party spoiler, the answer is clear
10/04/2023 09:30 UTC
Naomi Klein rebukes "counterfeit populism" of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
"Progressive populists make tangible economic offers...Kennedy is not actually proposing any of this," Klein wrote
06/15/2023 23:00 UTC
New book shows another side to Jackie Kennedy
The former first lady's long-sealed 1964 conversations with Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. will be published this week
09/12/2011 19:31 UTC
The exclusive story of Robert F. Kennedy's secret search for the truth about John F. Kennedy's assassination. From the new book by Salon's founder and former editor in chief.
05/02/2007 16:01 UTC
Bugliosi vs. "Brothers"
The attorney's massive new tome gets Bobby Kennedy wrong.
05/18/2007 04:15 UTC
A Kennedy the Bush administration can love
President Bush and John Ashcroft honor Bobby Kennedy as a tough-on-crime attorney general who fought "evil," but RFK's daughter cries foul.
11/22/2001 06:48 UTC
Fear and loathing in Camelot
In a stunning memoir, JFK's nephew Christopher Kennedy Lawford reveals the darker side of the Kennedy clan -- and bravely attempts to liberate his family from its crushing legacy
09/28/2005 00:42 UTC
Cheryl Hines addresses the donkey in the room
"I just want to make sure that my family — me, Bobby, our seven children — come out intact," says Hines
07/15/2023 19:56 UTC
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