Showing results for: theory

Right-wing moms group wants to use Tennessee’s “critical race theory” law to ban MLK Jr. book
Moms for Liberty claim that teaching the history of civil rights has "traumatized" white children
11/30/2021 17:09 UTC
Why the panic over "critical race theory" is the perfect right-wing troll
Trying to debunk the lies about "critical race theory" is a distraction — but the hysterics have huge implications
06/15/2021 16:58 UTC
Defense secretary rips Matt Gaetz over 'spurious' critical race theory claims
"We don't teach critical race theory. We don't embrace critical race theory ... that's a spurious conversation"
06/24/2021 01:00 UTC
Alabama schools accused of teaching "critical race theory" by recognizing Black History Month
“Having a Black history program is not CRT,” one frustrated superintendent said
02/03/2022 23:17 UTC
Right's cynical attack on "critical race theory": Old racist poison in a new bottle
White supremacy keeps rebranding itself — but the song remains the same
11/16/2021 11:00 UTC
Why Republicans are so determined to deny the 1619 project
"The moment you make racism more than an isolated incident ... people don't like that"
05/04/2021 20:41 UTC
Fox News mentions critical race theory more than 100 different times in less than a day: report
Fox News' campaign against critical race theory shows no signs of abetting
07/07/2021 10:01 UTC
Don't be fooled by parents' "critical race theory" tantrums — they're a part of the GOP's strategy
It's easy to laugh at the clowns melting down at school board meetings, but there's a method to this madness
06/24/2021 17:12 UTC
The media is being duped by Republicans on the "lab leak" theory
New reporting underscores how little evidence there is for the GOP-preferred story about COVID-19's origins
06/16/2021 17:08 UTC
Evangelicals do battle with "critical race theory" in new online video course
Focus on the Family series defines racism as individual sin, says CRT is "contrary to the truth of God's word"
01/15/2022 13:00 UTC
How the "great replacement" theory went from Charlottesville to the GOP mainstream
The racist delusion that whites are being "replaced" has gone from the far-right fringe to the halls of Congress
09/29/2021 17:29 UTC
The right's attack on "critical race theory": Another battle in the Orwellian war against democracy
For the right, "critical race theory" is all-embracing but meaningless. Its sole purpose is to scare white people
07/02/2021 10:10 UTC
A new theory puts dark matter on the chopping block, possibly upending our understanding of gravity
Has our understanding of gravity been wrong all along? A group of researchers put forth a compelling theory
10/28/2021 19:00 UTC
Fired over CRT: Missouri high school teacher accused of teaching "critical race theory" loses job
Parents complained after Kim Morrison passed out of a worksheet titled "How Racially Privileged Are You?"
04/13/2022 18:29 UTC
Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz endorses Tucker Carlson's "great replacement" theory
Gaetz is just the latest in a string of lawmakers to air out fears around America's changing ethnic landscape
09/27/2021 16:42 UTC