21st Challenge No. 28

Forward, march! Join the dance of the eternally circulating e-mail.

Published November 6, 1999 5:00PM (EST)

Could the genius who devised the "forward" button have possibly fathomed the
volume of e-mail that would result? Jokes, urban legends, recipes, petitions,
conspiracy theories, unintentionally funny things allegedly written by
schoolchildren -- they ricochet around the Net, and our lives are all

Or are they?

We invite readers to spoof this cybercultural phenomenon. With a subject line
(up to seven words) and a message (up to 50 words), create the beginnings of an
Ultimate E-mail Forward. Feel free to combine elements of traditional forwards
(e.g.: inspirational human story plus virus warning), or to cook up something
altogether new.


Send your submissions via e-mail only to salon21st@salon.com. Please include your full name and an accurate e-mail address so we can contact you if you're a winner. By submitting your entry you give Salon Technology permission to publish it. Deadline for entries is Nov. 15, 1999.


The winning response will receive a copy of Salon Technology senior correspondent Andrew Leonard's book, "Bots: The Origin of New Species."

In two weeks we'll publish a winner and some selected entries -- then start over a couple weeks after that with a whole new challenge.

By Charlie Varon

Charlie Varon is a humorist and playwright. His works include "Ralph Nader Is Missing" and "Rush Limbaugh in Night School."

MORE FROM Charlie Varon

By Jim Rosenau

Jim Rosenau is a writer, editor and software designer in Berkeley, Calif. Jim and Charlie are also co-founders of the citizens group Californians for Earthquake Prevention and partners in Mockingbird Media, which offers a full line of comic services.

MORE FROM Jim Rosenau

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