Science & Health
Ancient dog bones reveal lifestyle clues Jaime Chambers - Massive Science Teach your kids to stand up to bullying Caroline Maguire New abortion laws & structural sexism Patricia Homan - The Conversation North Dakota may be hiding big oil spill Sarah Okeson - DCReport How breeding is changing dogs' brains Nicole Karlis Trump's "phenomenal" health plan Julie Appleby - Kaiser Health News Why 5G will impede hurricane tracking Nicole Karlis Gene-edited lizards walk among us Nicole Karlis Politics, stop ruining carbon farming Nathanael Johnson - Grist What’s private depends on who you are Richard Wilk - The Conversation Lack of regulation is killing vape users Nicole Karlis "Sociopathic disregard for our future" Jake Johnson - Common Dreams Debunking anti-Green New Deal rhetoric Matthew Rozsa Wyoming to regulate air ambulance costs Markian Hawryluk - Kaiser Health News Pharma cash rolls into Congress Emmarie Huetteman, Jay Hancock, Elizabeth Lucas - Kaiser Health News Retreating from rising seas is a reality Kate Yoder - Grist What we lose when the elephants go Milicent Cranor - WhoWhatWhy The first climate change disease is here Shira Tarlo Educators urged to join climate strike Jessica Corbett - Common Dreams The problem with MRIs for low back pain Lola Butcher - Undark Nursing home evacuation still dangerous Lindsay J. Peterson, Kathryn Hyer - The Conversation When homophobes weaponize science Nicole Karlis "Another hurricane?" Paola Rosa-Aquino - Grist South Korea is hell for millions of dogs Nina Jackel - Independent Media Institute « Previous Next » Page: 17 Fearless journalism in your inbox every day Sign up for our free newsletter Email • • • Advertisement:
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