Science & Health
California coastal waters are acidifying Nicole Karlis The dubious benefits of placenta-eating Daniela Blei - Undark Why are whales big, but not bigger? Matthew Savoca, Jeremy Goldbogen, Nicholas Pyenson - The Conversation Does pollution poison the mind? Hillel Aron - FairWarning Refocusing the battle against cancer Kent Sepkowitz - Undark Tongass Roadless Rule under attack Sarah Okeson - DCReport A new era of optimism Roberto Simanowski Exxon wins climate lawsuit in New York Miyo McGinn - Grist Organic label doesn’t mean happy animals Michael Haedicke - The Conversation Move over, peak oil Jessica Corbett - Common Dreams DNA tests are fun, but beware the hype Michael Mackley - The Conversation The unproven promise of Babylon Health Jeremy Hsu - Undark Super rats or sickly rodents? Jonathan Richardson - The Conversation Conflicting interest on Bears Ears panel Sarah Okeson - DCReport NY’s suicide rate is the lowest in US Michelle Andrews - Kaiser Health News Natural gas's dirty secret Nicole Karlis America's long-term care crisis Ernie Powell - Independent Media Institute "Hurricane truthers" are a thing now Kate Yoder - Grist States turn to taxes to stop teen vaping Carmen Heredia Rodriguez - Kaiser Health News What's the deal with the Blue New Deal? Nicole Karlis Climate crisis hurts fishing industry Eoin Higgins - Common Dreams CA voters top priority: climate change Nathanael Johnson - Grist Weed vapes may not be as safe as thought Nicole Karlis A study-approved body positive meme Nicole Karlis « Previous Next » Page: 4 Fearless journalism in your inbox every day Sign up for our free newsletter Email • • • Advertisement:
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