The Brooklyn Museum exhibit "David Bowie is" follows the multi-faced Bowie through every phase of his unorthodox and unique career in music, movies and pop culture. Matthew Yokobosky, senior curator of fashion and material culture at the Brooklyn Mus...
The Brooklyn Museum exhibit "David Bowie is" follows the multi-faced Bowie through every phase of his unorthodox and unique career in music, movies and pop culture. Matthew Yokobosky, senior curator of fashion and material culture at the Brooklyn Museum, joined Salon's Amanda Marcotte to discuss the traveling multimedia exhibit's last stop in New York.
"Yes. The exhibit started in London and its been to Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Chicago, and at the beginning, there was always a little bit of a thought that the exhibition would kind of begin where he began and end where he lived at the end of his life. He lived in New York for 20 years, which might be the place that he lived the longest."