In his CNN series, "United Shades of America," host Kamau Bell explores black representation and starts tough conversations on race around the country.Bell sat down with Salon's D. Watkins on "Salon Talks" to discuss the second season of his show, hi...
In his CNN series, "United Shades of America," host Kamau Bell explores black representation and starts tough conversations on race around the country.
Bell sat down with Salon's D. Watkins on "Salon Talks" to discuss the second season of his show, his new book "The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell," and how his own story informs his work.
According to Bell, his diverse upbringing has helped him figure out a few creative ways to have these tough conversations and navigate multiple worlds, from dense gang areas on Chicago's South Side to the 'burbs of the North Shore, where black murder isn't a reality. Watch the video above to hear Watkins and Bell talk about why there's danger in having only one black voice in the room and navigating being African Africans in media that often times end up representing all black people.