"Daily Show" correspondent Roy Wood Jr. is one of the comedians being considered to host the Comedy Central show after Trevor Noah's departure. Wood tells Salon how Noah's approach has honed his own comedy craft. "Just how Trevor Noah chooses to brea...
"Daily Show" correspondent Roy Wood Jr. is one of the comedians being considered to host the Comedy Central show after Trevor Noah's departure. Wood tells Salon how Noah's approach has honed his own comedy craft. "Just how Trevor Noah chooses to break down divisive issues, it gave me a little bit of the same feeling that I could do that with my stand-up," Wood said.
Wood also shares his concerns that the late-night genre needs serious innovation and how he might approach that from the hosting chair. "Holding people in power accountable, that avenue still is viable," Wood said. "How you present that has to evolve into a way that I'm guessing needs to be cheaper and faster to be truly resonant with people."