If you're still deciding whether or not to travel on an airplane or gather with a large group of family or friends for the holidays, don't do it. "It's not worth it," says Dr. Seema Yasmin, a medical doctor and epidemiologist. Yasmin breaks down why ...
If you're still deciding whether or not to travel on an airplane or gather with a large group of family or friends for the holidays, don't do it. "It's not worth it," says Dr. Seema Yasmin, a medical doctor and epidemiologist. Yasmin breaks down why testing in the United States is not an adequate representation of being virus-free and why symptom-free patients can turn into some of the biggest spreaders. "Yes, you want to fling open the door and welcome your loved ones and give them hugs. We just can't do that this year. We're going to have to stick it out," Yasmin advised.