Alex Pareene (page 27)
Twitter: @pareene
Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at and follow him on Twitter @pareene
Fact-check fail
Alex Pareene
Keith Ellison: GOP "basically a bigoted party"
Alex Pareene
Now the nuts are playing pretend "fact checker"
Alex Pareene
Stop pretending Michelle wants to be a pol
Alex Pareene
Nicki didn't endorse Mitt
Alex Pareene
Poor Donald Trump!
Alex Pareene
Mitt's humor: Tampa will be under water in a century
Alex Pareene
Clint to chair: Get out of Afghanistan!
Alex Pareene
Arianna touts her unpaid massage parlor
Alex Pareene
Ignoring and defending Paul Ryan's lies
Alex Pareene
Rand Paul toes the line
Alex Pareene
Huffington Post's unpaid masseuses
Alex Pareene
Page: 27