Alex Pareene (page 41)

Twitter: @pareene

Alex Pareene writes about politics for Salon and is the author of "The Rude Guide to Mitt." Email him at and follow him on Twitter @pareene

6. Erick Erickson Alex Pareene
7. Robert Samuelson Alex Pareene
8. Piers Morgan Alex Pareene
9. Mike Allen Alex Pareene
10. Naomi Wolf Alex Pareene
11. Bill Keller Alex Pareene
12. David Brooks Alex Pareene
13. Megyn Kelly Alex Pareene
14. Joe Scarborough Alex Pareene
15. Wolf Blitzer Alex Pareene
16. Andrea Peyser Alex Pareene
17. John Stossel Alex Pareene
18. Jon Meacham Alex Pareene
19. Ruth Marcus Alex Pareene
20. Brian Williams Alex Pareene