Farhad Manjoo (page 17)
Farhad Manjoo is a Salon staff writer and the author of True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society.
Do Netflix's mailers cost the Post Office millions?
Farhad Manjoo
Read Salon's blogs in your RSS reader
Farhad Manjoo
Microsoft kills Vista's anti-piracy kill switch
Farhad Manjoo
WikiLeaks reveals another Guantanamo manual
Farhad Manjoo
Wait! Don't buy an iPhone for the holidays!
Farhad Manjoo
Facebook caves on privacy-invading ads, kind of
Farhad Manjoo
"Love and Sex With Robots"
Farhad Manjoo
Caught on YouTube: Tasered for contesting a ticket
Farhad Manjoo
Why your Wii stinks of toxic chemicals
Farhad Manjoo
Amazon's Kindle won't spark your e-book fire
Farhad Manjoo
A USB pole dancer and other stupid/awesome gifts
Farhad Manjoo
Verizon sees the light, frees its network
Farhad Manjoo
GDrive: The Google hard drive is coming
Farhad Manjoo
Why Machinist's comments are turned off
Farhad Manjoo
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