Frances Kissling
Frances Kissling is a visiting scholar at the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. She is the former president of Catholics for a Free Choice.
How to think about abortion
Frances Kissling
Pass healthcare reform -- then repeal Hyde!
Frances Kissling
When Congress sells out women
Frances Kissling
The pope launches a right-wing affirmative-action program
Frances Kissling
Donors should be rewarded for their kidneys
Frances Kissling
What is the Vatican, exactly?
Frances Kissling
Contraception fights global warming
Frances Kissling
New Catholic sex prayer -- but where's the sex?
Frances Kissling
Exploiting the healthcare debate to restrict abortion
Frances Kissling
Why don't Catholic bishops care about healthcare?
Frances Kissling
Nuns on the run from the truth
Frances Kissling
Men behaving badly aren't funny anymore
Frances Kissling
Sometimes abortion is the better choice
Frances Kissling
The feds should fund abortion
Frances Kissling
How's that "common ground" going?
Frances Kissling
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