Jake Tapper (page 3)
Jake Tapper is the senior White House correspondent for ABC News.
Gen. Wesley Clark, unplugged
Jake Tapper
Operation Inflate the Coalition
Jake Tapper
A cry for jihad
Jake Tapper
Is Saddam alive?
Jake Tapper
Bush to Saddam: Get out of Dodge
Jake Tapper
America's Achilles' heel
Jake Tapper
Bush vs. Bush
Jake Tapper
More chatter from al-Qaida
Jake Tapper
Uncle Sam's dirty tricks?
Jake Tapper
Senate report: FBI still unprepared
Jake Tapper
The Salon Interview: Dennis Kucinich
Jake Tapper
Man behaving badly
Jake Tapper
The wishy-washy strategy
Jake Tapper
On the campaign trail with the un-Bush
Jake Tapper
John Kerry's upbeat prognosis
Jake Tapper
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