Jennifer Foote Sweeney (page 3)

Jennifer Foote Sweeney, CMT, formerly a Salon editor, is a massage therapist in northern California, practicing on staff at the Institutes for Health and Healing in San Francisco and Larkspur, and on the campuses of the Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Berkeley.

The virginity hoax Jennifer Foote Sweeney
An introduction to the series Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Pluck and circumstance Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Children, not murderers Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Fathers in the 'hood Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Image Conscious Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Making martyrs of our kids Jennifer Foote Sweeney
An introduction Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Mother's Day Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Sisterhood is powerless Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Different hero, different war Jennifer Foote Sweeney
When the revolution comes Jennifer Foote Sweeney
The series: An introduction Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Beware of "women's culture" Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Till death do us part Jennifer Foote Sweeney