Jonathan Bernstein (page 7)
Jonathan Bernstein is a political scientist who writes about American politics, especially the presidency, Congress, parties and elections.
Another day, another awful Matt Bai story
Jonathan Bernstein
The party of phony symbolic action
Jonathan Bernstein
The Party of No, supersized
Jonathan Bernstein
What issue is worth losing an election over?
Jonathan Bernstein
How to understand Fox News
Jonathan Bernstein
In the House, a different Tea Party effect
Jonathan Bernstein
About that Republican wave ...
Jonathan Bernstein
About that phantom Obama tax cut
Jonathan Bernstein
Calm down, press releases tell us nothing about Palin's '12 plans
Jonathan Bernstein
The secret, decoded text of Obama's speech to children
Jonathan Bernstein
Healthcare's midterm impact: Maybe nothing
Jonathan Bernstein
Actually, Obama couldn't have done much better than Kagan
Jonathan Bernstein
The media's real bias: Caring about itself too much
Jonathan Bernstein
A Senate haunted by 2004
Jonathan Bernstein
Presidential power, national security, and "Top Secret America"
Jonathan Bernstein
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