Matthew Daly
Obama on climate change: "We need to act"
Matthew Daly
Obama cuts vacation short as 'fiscal cliff' looms
Matthew Daly
Obama vows not to forget Sandy victims
Matthew Daly
Obama responds to Romney's 47 percent comment
Matthew Daly
Fight over Canadian oil pipeline moves to Congress
Matthew Daly
Japan nuke crisis does not warrant U.S. changes
Matthew Daly
Senate GOP moves to strip Murkowski of Energy post
Matthew Daly
Study: Gulf dispersants not more toxic than oil
Matthew Daly
BP CEO tells Congress he's "devastated" by spill
Matthew Daly
Feds send BP $69M bill as Obama plans trip to Gulf
Matthew Daly
Feds to tighten standards on blowout preventers
Matthew Daly
Oil agency chief quits under pressure
Matthew Daly
Oil well "top kill" plug readied; agency rapped
Matthew Daly
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