Michael Dooley (page 2)
The animated fight against globalization
Michael Dooley
Gidra takes on the American war machine
Michael Dooley
Inside Germany's famed art school
Michael Dooley
The eerie photographs of a famed painter
Michael Dooley
"Mad Men's" long-standing 9/11 connection
Michael Dooley
Erotic mashups, '70s-style
Michael Dooley
The original media hackers
Michael Dooley
The divisive father of political cartooning
Michael Dooley
An LA-centric take on modernism
Michael Dooley
The father of film graphics
Michael Dooley
Protest art before Occupy
Michael Dooley
Tales from the other Comic Con
Michael Dooley
When designers get self-indulgent
Michael Dooley
L.A., the new culture capital?
Michael Dooley
Behind the original kids' comic strip
Michael Dooley
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