Rebecca Traister (page 7)

Rebecca Traister is a senior writer at, where she has covered women in politics, media and entertainment since October of 2003. Prior to that, she was a reporter at the New York Observer, where she wrote about the film business. Traister has also written for Elle, the Nation, Vogue, Glamour, New York Magazine, the New York Times, Nerve, and elsewhere. Her book about women and the 2008 elections, "Big Girls Don't Cry: The Election that Changed Everything for American Women," will be published in September by Free Press."

McCain gets mean Rebecca Traister
Ladies of the nightly news Rebecca Traister
The Sarah Palin pity party Rebecca Traister
Quote of the day Rebecca Traister
Up with Couric! Rebecca Traister
Zombie feminists of the RNC Rebecca Traister
Good news from MSNBC Rebecca Traister