Robert Burton (page 2)
Robert Burton M.D. is the former chief of neurology at Mount Zion-UCSF Hospital and the author of "On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You're Not" and "A Skeptic's Guide to the Mind." A former columnist for Salon, he has also been published in the New York Times, Aeon and Nautilus, and currently writes a column at the Cambridge Quarterly for Healthcare Ethics.
The certainty epidemic
Robert Burton
How looks can kill
Robert Burton
The man who lost his past
Robert Burton
We're prejudiced, now what?
Robert Burton
The light's on, but is anybody home?
Robert Burton
Requiem for a poker game
Robert Burton
How Merck stacked the Vioxx deck
Robert Burton
Robert Burton
Are we asking the right questions about hormones?
Robert Burton
Long-distance surgery
Robert Burton
The end of the general practitioner
Robert Burton
Seasonal affective disorder
Robert Burton
Genetic predictions
Robert Burton
Who will go nuts?
Robert Burton
Docs who lie and the patients who thank them
Robert Burton
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