Sarah Posner (page 2)
Sarah Posner is the senior editor of Religion Dispatches, where she writes about politics. She is also the author of God's Profits: Faith, Fraud, and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters" (PoliPoint Press, 2008).
Don't ask, don't tell 2.0
Sarah Posner
Obama's marriage epiphany
Sarah Posner
Obama's faith-based failure
Sarah Posner
The original culture warrior
Sarah Posner
Time to talk Mormonism
Sarah Posner
Paul Ryan's biblical bilge
Sarah Posner
The Obamacare-abortion myth
Sarah Posner
Bishops seek liberty to impose birth control dogma
Sarah Posner
What we should ask Romney about Mormonism
Sarah Posner
Why women's rights are under siege
Sarah Posner
Birth control: The right's still winning
Sarah Posner
Rep. Issa to air bishops' complaints
Sarah Posner
Obama's winning hand on religion
Sarah Posner
How Rick Perry courts the Zionist vote
Sarah Posner
The dog-whistle dictionary
Sarah Posner
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