Scott Rosenberg (page 2)
Salon co-founder Scott Rosenberg is director of He is the author of "Say Everything" and Dreaming in Code and blogs at
How blogs changed everything
Scott Rosenberg
Google's Vulcan death grip
Scott Rosenberg
Trapped in the grid
Scott Rosenberg
Empty thine in-box
Scott Rosenberg
Apple hearts Microsoft
Scott Rosenberg
"I know who the smart people in America are"
Scott Rosenberg
Delight in disorder
Scott Rosenberg
Are we playing dice with the biosphere?
Scott Rosenberg
Transparency and the Edwards campaign
Scott Rosenberg
Words fail us
Scott Rosenberg
Burying the Kirkpatrick doctrine
Scott Rosenberg
Razor-thin still cuts it
Scott Rosenberg
History as written by a "SimCity" freak
Scott Rosenberg
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