Nick Kroll's animated Netflix show "Big Mouth" offers a crude, hilarious spin on the awkward moments of puberty and life as a middle schooler. And while the show was designed for adults, Kroll says on "Salon Talks" that it's actually a thoughtful sho...
Nick Kroll's animated Netflix show "Big Mouth" offers a crude, hilarious spin on the awkward moments of puberty and life as a middle schooler. And while the show was designed for adults, Kroll says on "Salon Talks" that it's actually a thoughtful show and could help the kids going through these embarrassing experiences. "If your kid is around the age of the kids on the show, maybe it will give you an opportunity to talk to your kids about the things that are happening," Kroll said.
To learn more about what's next for Nick Kroll and his latest film, which is set in Olympic Village, watch "Salon Talks."