Salon writer Matthew Rozsa visits the set of "Sesame Street" to talk to Elmo and the show's first-ever Muppet with autism, Julia, who made her TV debut in 2017. Julia, whose episodes have aired around the world, is part of Sesame Workshop's whole aut...
Salon writer Matthew Rozsa visits the set of "Sesame Street" to talk to Elmo and the show's first-ever Muppet with autism, Julia, who made her TV debut in 2017. Julia, whose episodes have aired around the world, is part of Sesame Workshop's whole autism initiative called See Amazing in All Children. Rozsa talks to Julia about what it is like being a muppet with autism and reveals his own childhood experiences with bullying, which he says might have been less severe if a character like Julia had existed on TV in the 1990s.
Watch the video above to see Salon's special behind-the-scenes trip to Sesame and to hear more from Sherrie Westin, the executive vice president of global impact and philanthropy for "Sesame Street" - and the force behind Julia. Plus read more about Rozsa's
reflections on understanding how Julia can help everyone understand autism better.