As the daughter of the late playwright Arthur Miller, filmmaker Rebecca Miller has a uniquely personal take on the incredible impact her father made on American theater. Miller and producer Damon Cardasis joined Salon's executive editor Andrew O'Heh...
As the daughter of the late playwright Arthur Miller, filmmaker Rebecca Miller has a uniquely personal take on the incredible impact her father made on American theater. Miller and producer Damon Cardasis joined Salon's executive editor Andrew O'Hehir to unpack the HBO documentary film she directed, "Arthur Miller: Writer," which contains decades of interviews and film that explore the complexities of the playwright's artistry and private life. The poignant tribute, from one artist to another, debuts on HBO March 19.
Miller, whose own film career has centered on women-centric stories, says she built "Arthur Miller: Writer" around her father's three marriages, first to Mary Grace Slattery before a very public marriage to actor Marilyn Monroe, and then finally to Rebecca's mother, photographer Inge Morath. "The pillars of the film, kind of propping it up, were the major relationships and that's the father, the mother and the three marriages," Miller told "Salon Talks." "I was really interested in how he was definitely a man who loved women. It wasn't like he was Lothario, but the women in his life were enormously influential and important."