"Sixteen Candles," "Pretty in Pink," and "The Breakfast Club" are some of the most iconic films of the 1980s and they all star, actor Molly Ringwald, who joined "Salon Talks" to discuss the premiere of her new film "All These Small Moments" at the Tr...
"Sixteen Candles," "Pretty in Pink," and "The Breakfast Club" are some of the most iconic films of the 1980s and they all star, actor Molly Ringwald, who joined "Salon Talks" to discuss the premiere of her new film "All These Small Moments" at the Tribeca Film Festival. Ringwald plays the mother of two teenage boys who's trying to keep the peace at home while dealing with a troubled marriage in this dramatic comedy about first love, divorce and adolescence. Ringwald shares lessons from her tremendous career in Hollywood, including looking back on her roles in John Hughes' films through the lens of the #MeToo movement.
Ringwald commented on her April 2018 essay for
"The New Yorker", in which she revisits "The Breakfast Club" in the midst of the #MeToo movement. "The films that I made with John Hughes are still incredibly popular. They're still watched a lot, they're even taught in schools," Ringwald told Salon. "I'm not renouncing the films. I'm sort of discussing what feels problematic for me as a woman and as a mother."