Peabody Award-winning documentary filmmaker Brent Renaud joined Salon to break down his latest film, "Shelter," a new feature-length documentary (airing on Vice) that takes on the devastating realities of homeless youth in New Orleans. For Renaud, wh...
Peabody Award-winning documentary filmmaker Brent Renaud joined Salon to break down his latest film, "Shelter," a new feature-length documentary (airing on Vice) that takes on the devastating realities of homeless youth in New Orleans. For Renaud, whether he's making documentaries about cartel violence, war in faraway places or this latest project in New Orleans, for him, it's all about capturing the humanistic side of the story without pushing his own politics on the viewers.
Along with his brother Craig, Renaud embedded in the New Orleans chapter of Covenant House and followed the raw and emotional stories of incredible, homeless kids who seek refuge there and the staff struggling to work miracles every day on their behalf. "Shelter" is executive produced by actor Michael Kenneth Williams. Check out the video above to hear Renaud talk about the most captivating storyline in the film.