The multi-talented filmmaker and actor Mark Duplass is successful across many Hollywood spaces including creating, directing, producing, writing and acting in films, often in collaboration with his brother Jay. After 40 years of teaming up, Duplass r...
The multi-talented filmmaker and actor Mark Duplass is successful across many Hollywood spaces including creating, directing, producing, writing and acting in films, often in collaboration with his brother Jay. After 40 years of teaming up, Duplass reveals to Salon how his unusually close relationship with Jay greatly impacted his personal and professional relationships over the years.
"We have been side by side forever and we've been through everything you can imagine," Duplass shared. With the publishing on their first book together, "Like Brothers," Duplass is questioning how the tight-knit bond affected his ability to connect with others. "I feel horrible for the girls we dated in high school and college," he said. "We were emotionally immature and you know, the things that Jay and I would share, were downright just betrayals of the trust that we had with other people that we were in intimate relationships with. And we didn't understand that that was not healthy."