Academy Award-winning actor Chris Cooper is sharing his family's personal story with cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities in a new documentary "Intelligent Lives," that aims to reshape how we define intelligence and brings humanity and possib...
Academy Award-winning actor Chris Cooper is sharing his family's personal story with cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities in a new documentary "Intelligent Lives," that aims to reshape how we define intelligence and brings humanity and possibility to what once was a life sentence of isolation. Cooper serves as the narrator and an executive producer on the film, which follows three young adults with intellectual disabilities.
In the video above, watch Salon's premiere of the trailer for "Intelligent Lives," directed by award-winning filmmaker Dan Habib. As the three subjects, Micah, Naieer, and Naomie, navigate high school, college, and the workforce, "Intelligent Lives" challenges perceptions of intelligence and the systems that once led to the extreme segregation from society. Cooper, the storyteller of the documentary, contextualizes the lives of these central characters at key junctures of the film as he unpacks the sordid track record of intelligence testing in America.