Jim Henson's "The Dark Crystal" is back, now with its own series on Netflix. In "The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance," viewers are thrust back into the world of Thra-this time before the events of the 1982 original film directed by Henson and Frank O...
Jim Henson's "The Dark Crystal" is back, now with its own series on Netflix. In "The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance," viewers are thrust back into the world of Thra-this time before the events of the 1982 original film directed by Henson and Frank Oz. With this new revival comes an homage and respect for the work of Henson's puppetry genius.
On "Salon Talks," Henson's daughter Lisa, who is an executive producer of the Netflix series, and director Louis Leterrier opened up about the 1982 film and how it served as their main source of inspiration.
"All the techniques that became the main animatronic techniques, of the '80s and '90s, all that was really developed for 'The Dark Crystal,'" Henson told SalonTV's Mary Elizabeth Williams. Henson, now CEO and president of The Jim Henson Company, always knew that she would return to one of her father's most personal projects. "I've been planning for like 15 years to do something like either a 'Dark Crystal' sequel, or a prequel," she said.
Henson even used some of the original materials from the 1982 film. "We were able to find plans of the sets, and the original props that had been built, and of course all of our puppets that were you know in archives and able to be referenced. Archivally, we were able to really support this."
The 10-part prequel series "The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance" debuts on Netflix August 30. Watch the video above to learn more about how Henson and Leterrier kept Jim Henson's vision alive in the prequel series. And watch the full episode on "The Dark Crystal" to hear how the series tackles complex issues that the world is facing today.