"Frog and Toad" is now an animated series on AppleTV+ starring the voice of Yvette Nicole Brown as rabbit. The actress explains to Salon why the 1970 classic storybook carries a new meaning for some viewers. While it wasn't clear at the time the book...
"Frog and Toad" is now an animated series on AppleTV+ starring the voice of Yvette Nicole Brown as rabbit. The actress explains to Salon why the 1970 classic storybook carries a new meaning for some viewers. While it wasn't clear at the time the books were published, Brown says we now know Arnold Lobel wrote the series about two amphibian friends while he was coming to terms with being gay. "Frog and Toad" was his way of dipping a toe into certain feelings that he had that he hadn't spoken out loud about," Brown said.