Director Julie Taymor takes Salon behind the scenes of her new project "The Glorias," a feature film following Gloria Steinem through different stages of life and starring both Julianne Moore and Alicia Vikander as Steinem. Taymor, a Tony Award winne...
Director Julie Taymor takes Salon behind the scenes of her new project "The Glorias," a feature film following Gloria Steinem through different stages of life and starring both Julianne Moore and Alicia Vikander as Steinem. Taymor, a Tony Award winner and Oscar nominee, emphasized how Steinem broke societal barriers from a young age and throughout her life's work as a feminst civil rights leader.
Watch the episode above to hear more about Steinem's story, the women inside her inner circle, and why her life brings important perspective to today's politics. "The Glorias" is available on Amazon Prime.